Sunday, August 19, 2007

This Heat 'n Humidity Won't Last Forever!

The breeze that passed through our front porch this afternoon provided little comfort. It only delivered hot & humid air. It was the same air that stood in our un-airconditioned church this morning. Large fans pushed and pulled the air around the room during the song service, but the roaring sound had to cease in order to hear pastor Troy's sermon (which was well worth hearing).
When I went to my blog picture file, this one grabbed my attention. It is the barnyard on Moore Road in Indianapolis. We passed it each time we went to and from church (before the church moved five miles up the road). It provided a peaceful scene no matter what season. This one is meant as a source of refreshment during the hot spell. It is also here to remind us of what is and snow!! Let's treasure the moment. This heat 'n humidity won't last forever!

1 comment:

jim said...

Martha and Howard, I learned about your Blog (Yea!)via TPCC's church paper then came across it accessing my Blog. Great reading. I envy you (Well, not quite!) the ability to Post pictures. I need Craig to tutor me! We're praising God for the good Dr.'s report! With love, Jim Ewing