Tuesday, August 21, 2007

FAQs About The Brammers-

1. How is Howard? He is doing well. Less stress and more rest have contributed greatly to his well being. His new doctor is very optimistic about his condition and has adjusted his medication.

2. Does he have plans for a particular ministry? He is considering various options; however, at the moment nothing is finalized. We hope to work with Cincinnati Christian University ministerial students at our home and possibly U.C. students through the University Christian Church.

3. Has he done any traveling? He recently drove to and from Texas (2600 miles round trip). We are going to England. He wants to lead an Alaskan cruise in the future.

4. Does it feel like home? Yes and No. When we are out of town, it seems strange to be coming "home" to Cincinnati rather than Indy. We like it here and are feeling very comfortable. One thing we know for sure....it is where God wants us!

5. How far is Craig's family from you? four doors!!! They are around the corner which puts them nearby but out of view. There are lots of advantages in being close! Tonight they invited us to join them on a walk to the ice cream store. It doesn't get any better than that!

6. Do you have a home church? We worship mostly at the University Christian Church which is across the street from U.C. and very close to us. The minister and his wife are our neighbors. This is where Craig and his family go. We plan to visit around. Howard plans to preach some on weekends.

7. Is your house finished? There was more to do than we realized once we moved in. It is mostly those finishing touches. Howard has spent the last several days painting bookcases. I finally got the last of the curtains hemmed.

8. How far are you from downtown? Five miles

9. Are you going to continue with your art? Yes. We are setting the basement up as a studio. I am going to teach our two grandsons. Sawyer, the eight year old, is home schooled. Taylor who is turning 16 (Yikes...did I say sixteen???) He is taking art in school. He wants me to work with him at home. He is showing signs of interest and ability. Sawyer has always been interested and will probably follow in Uncle Jason's footsteps someday.

10. What else are you doing? There is an organization here in the city that helps teach young moms infant care. There was a nice write up in the Cincinnati Enquirer recently. Since more and more kids are having kids, the need to help these young moms is great. I am looking forward to getting involved.

That's it for the Brammers! Thanks for caring. Blessings to all of you.

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