Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday At The Castle

You are, no doubt, thinking Howard found a WHITE CASTLE here in England, but no so. We spent the day at the one called Warwick. We found it to be absolutely amazing; however, we were surprised (and disappointed) to learn that it is now owned by the Arabs. It makes one wonder just how much of the world they own....not a pleasant thought.

We had a great time seeing Shakespear's play last evening. It was held in a younger theater due to the present renovation of the old. We had visited his parents, grandparents and his home during the day, so it was appropriate to top off the evening with "Twelfth Night".

News: Probably the number one news item is the Madeline McCann disappearance. It is England's version to our Jon Bonnet Ramsey story.

Sports dominates the TV throughout the day. I thought the US was sports crazy....but not so. England is definitely ahead of us.

I mentioned seeing the Magna Carta at Salisbury. Today's paper said the only one owned by a private citizen is being auctioned off this week.

The Burma story has made the front page for two days. I'm sure it is big at home as well.

It is interesting to hear the politicians giving their speeches. It is clear that our two countries have much the same problems.

(I am operating on coins again....and my time is up! I'll be checking in soon.)

Again....Cheers from merry ole England


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