Saturday, January 9, 2010

Burrr-r-r-r-r It's Cold Down Here!

We flew down here to get out of the cold weather, but  it followed us!  The average temperature in the Orlando area during the day has been in the mid forties.  That might not sound cold to you Midwesterners, but it's very cold for the folks down here.  One old timer told Howard he had lived here over fifty years, and he had never seen the weather be this cold this long.

The marine life is suffering terribly.  The big turtles are being pulled out of the swamps, wrapped in blankets for the 72 hours it takes them to warm up. They become paralized when their body temperature drops.  The iguanas are also making the evening news by falling off tree limbs.  They loose their grip when they get cold. Fortunately, the fall doesn't hurt them.  The manatees are crowding into neighborhood waterways where the waters are warmer. They are eating the vegetation off the banks which is quickly running out. The local evening news anchor said the weather must break soon or many of the marine life will be lost.

Extreme weather causes problems no matter where you live.  We have always been in the midwest during a deep freeze.  The temperatures here are nothing like back home, but they are devastating for the citrus growers and the marine life.  The fact that we can't go swimming or lie in the sun seems incidental compared to the devastation around us.  We're having a great time staying inside looking out....just like we did back home!

1 comment:

PamH said...

Hang in there you guys!
It looks like you'll be getting a heat wave to get you out of freezing temperatures by Wednesday, high will be 63, low of 40 with sunshine. Yea!!!


Hey, Martha! I've been telling my friend about your gorgeous pottery tiles. Do you have pictures of them anywhere? I didn't see them on your blog.