Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Brutopia Is Getting A New Image

The painters are getting ready to cover up the aqua 'n orange.  It's a new day for Brutopia, the Brammer coffee shop, and we want it to have a fresh look.  A branding company has been hired to design a logo that will carry the new theme. 

When Jason comes home for Christmas, he will paint a mural behind the serving counter.  We can hardly wait!

We select an artist each month to display their work on the long wall inside the coffee shop. I have recently assumed that responsibility, which is one I am delighted to do.  Cincinnati has two large buildings that house artists, and each one has an open house once a month (Pendleton & The Essex bldgs.) I have already met lots of wonderful artists in both of them.

This is an exciting venture for Howard and me.  It gives us an opportunity to become more involved in the Clifton community as well as in the lives of Craig's family.  They live around the corner from us.

1 comment:

Hopewell said...

I can't wait to take Patrick down there some time. I'll watch your blog for the "re-opening".